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Mutilated Judge split con DxHxNx

Mutilated Judge (Artea,Grindcore) han publicado un split con la banda de horror grind de México DxHxNx.

Podéis escucharlo a continuación:

Este es el tracklist:

Mutilated Judge

1. Every Vinyl You Buy Is A Girl You Won’t Fuck
2. I Ran Out Of Internet To Jerk Off To
3. I’m Not Racist, I Use The Black Emoji
4. Chuck Palahniuk Audiobooks In The Tour Van


5. Brain Infested Maggots
6. The Terror Of The Inf(ANTS) Causes Me Excitement And Satisfaction
7. The Halloween Killer
8. Scream (If You Can)
9. The Devil Is So Lovely
10. Night Of Horror / Cranial Damage

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